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Alumni Connections: Thomas Inigo’s Professional Triathlon Debut at Ironman Oceanside 70.3 

Thomas Inigo, former Cavalier Masters member and now professional athlete and coach for Waterfall Racing, dove into the professional triathlon scene this past weekend with a remarkable debut at one of the most daunting early-season Ironman 70.3 races. Transitioning to a professional athlete this year, Thomas spent the last few months training rigorously in Boulder, CO. Thomas faced a formidable lineup that included multiple world champions at the iconic early season Ironman race in Oceanside, CA. Thomas completed the 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run in 4:29:18, to finish in 55th place in a stacked pro field. 

Race day brought unexpected challenges, starting with a shifted swim start location due to hazardous ocean conditions. Right out of the gate, Thomas experienced an equipment malfunction – his goggles were knocked off in the starting frenzy. This led to some initial sighting struggles, dark conditions and 58 degree ocean temps, but he quickly rallied to swim a 28:59 for 2000 meters. Despite this being his first ocean swim and only his fourth 70.3 event of his career, he kept his composure. 

On the bike, Thomas showcased the fruits of his early season training, pushing a personal record of over 285-Watt average power on a 56-mile gauntlet. He rode to a formidable 2:32 performance on a hilly, demanding course, averaging over 22mph. The pavement was so broken up that he lost a critical bottle and had to improvise with on-course nutrition. 

After his remarkable power milestone on the bike, Thomas had to dig deep to lay down a solid 1:24 half marathon run, averaging 6:12 per mile on tired legs. He powered through, maintaining his position throughout the run, a testament to his grit and meticulous fueling plan. 

Picture (left to right): William Inigo, Thomas Inigo ( the "Dos Inigo's")

Thomas reflected on the experience as a valuable learning curve, humorously acknowledging the rookie challenges yet appreciating the growth opportunity. Thomas also enjoyed the additional benefit of racing with his brother, William, who competed in his first ever Ironman 70.3.

Thomas' journey in this race is not just his own but also a narrative of the collective support of the Cavalier Masters Swim team. 

As Thomas looks forward to Chattanooga 70.3 in five weeks, his spirit is high and his goals are clear. With the lessons from Oceanside etched in his mind, he is ready to dive into the rest of the season with confidence. This race was a significant first step in his professional journey, and with the continued support of his team and loved ones back at home in VA, Thomas is just getting started on what promises to be an exciting path ahead. 


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